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Why Should Former Fosters Guide the Foster Care System?

Writer's picture: Waln BrownWaln Brown

Updated: Dec 14, 2023


Logic dictates that to know how to improve a product or service, one should solicit feedback

from customers and adjust the product or service accordingly. This goes on all the time with

successful businesses like Ford, Coca-Cola and McDonalds, but seldom happens in child

welfare, resulting in a serious blind spot that jeopardizes the placement experiences and adult

Rather, as Dr. John Seita learned by surveying 104 private Michigan child welfare agencies, only six of the responding agencies reported having board members who were child welfare alumni, and no agencies reported having a chief executive or any executive staff who had lived in placement. This is almost certainly true nationally.

Furthermore, and just as logically, no matter how hard he may try, a male cannot know what it is like to be a female, even though he may have a Ph.D. in Women’s Studies and also be a

gynecologist. Common sense informs us that white people should not dictate policy for the

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and that senior citizens must

populate the board of directors of AARP.

Why, then, are foster youth subjected to programs, policies and practices designed and

supervised by people who have not experienced out-of-home placement and who have not had to master the sudden and treacherous transition from dependent child to independent adult on their own?

For non-alumni to assume they know what is in the best interests of foster kids is egotistical,

disingenuous and detrimental to our welfare; it is the precise reason why so many of us suffer in the care of strangers, falter upon emancipation and endure lesser – much too often dismal – adult lives. The child welfare system that is supposed to act on our behalf as a caring parent is what harms and limits us most because it lacks the moral compass and experiential-knowledge only alumni possess.

Foster care alumna Claudette Braxton expressed her disdain for this absurd practice on page 132 of our book, Growing Up in the Care of Strangers: The Experiences, Insights and

“This assumption by foster care professionals that it is not necessary to consult us about our placements or other important decisions happens to foster children routinely. Seldom do the people charged with our ‘best interests’ ask us what we think is best for us. Strangers make crucial decisions that affect our lives and they just expect us to cooperate like mindless sheep. If we question or make a stink about it, we’re branded conduct disordered, antisocial, rebellious or some other pejorative term because we have the moxie to stand up for what we believe is in our own best interest, not someone else’s perception of what is best for us. What arrogance!”

This is not to say that only alumni are qualified to be good shepherds of foster children, however. Many of us can point fondly to a non-alumni foster parent, adoptive parent, guardian, social worker, case worker, house parent, probation officer, psychologist, administrator or staff member and say, “that person made a positive difference in my life.”

We must treat them as respected allies.

On the other hand, many of us have been harmed by incompetent or cruel child welfare

professionals, too.

We must show them the door. *

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