These are the most important words juvenile delinquents and their families may hear at a
juvenile court hearing. Get to know what these words mean, so that you understand how they
relate to your case. Ask your lawyer about anything you do not know or understand.
Accused – Charged with a crime
Adjudication – The word used to describe a trial in Juvey
Advisory Hearing – The first time you are in Juvey and charged with a crime
Appeal – The process that your lawyer uses to show that your trial in Juvey had mistakes
Arrest – When the police hold you because they think you were involved in a delinquent or
criminal act
Charges – When the District Attorney files a case in Juvenile Court stating what crimes you are suspect of committing
Commitment – When the judge decides you are guilty of the charges and decides to send you
away to a special program
Consequences – Penalties for committing crimes
Criminal Code – All of the state laws that involve crimes
Custody – To be in the care of someone like the police, parents or guardians
Delinquency – When a minor has violated a criminal law, also called a delinquent offense or
delinquent act
Detain – To hold or keep a minor in juvenile court
Detention – The area of the Juvenile Court where kids stay until the Juvenile Judge decides what to do with them
Detention Hearing – The first hearing you have before a judge
Dismissed – When the judge drops the charges against you
Disposition – The hearing in front of a judge after you have been found guilty of committing a
crime; the judge decides what should happen to you (consequences)
Evidence – The information presented to the judge at a trial in Juvey, including witnesses and
other facts about the case
Felonies – Serious crimes like murder, rape and robbery
Guilty – The word used to say that the evidence shows you committed a crime
Incarceration – The same as detain – to be in a lock-up, like a detention center or juvenile
Innocent – The word used by the judge to say that the evidence shows you have not committed a crime; another way of saying innocent is “not guilty”
Investigation – To look into or examine closely
Incorrigibility – These laws apply only to kids and include smoking, drinking, running away
from home and ditching school
Intake – The first stop in Juvey where staff asks questions and complete paperwork
Jury – A group of persons selected to hear evidence in a court of law; there is usually no jury in Juvey
Juvenile – A person younger than age 18-years-old
Juvenile Judge – The person in charge of the Juvenile Court
Juvey – The common name for the Juvenile Detention Center, Juvenile Court or Juvenile Hall
Lawyer – Someone trained in the law who can defend you; also called an attorney or counselor
Misdemeanor – A less serious crime like drinking, trespassing or traffic offenses
Minor – The same meaning as juvenile
Miranda Warning – The law that makes police inform you of your rights
Petition – The paper the District Attorney files to start the legal process, describing the
allegations against you
Plea Bargain – Admission that you broke a law in return for a lesser punishment
Probable Cause – When there is enough proof to believe that a law was broken
Probation – One possible disposition a judge can give if you are guilty of committing a crime
Probation Officer – Someone who works for the juvenile judge and keeps track of your
activities and behaviors
Proof – Way of showing beyond doubt the truth of something
Prosecutor – The lawyer who handles the case against you
Record – The information about your case
Rehabilitation – The process of changing your behavior from bad to good
Repeat Offenders – Kids who commit crimes more than once
Restitution – Repaying the victims of your crime
Sentencing – A decision by the judge on the punishment for committing a crime
Suspect – Someone the police believe – but have not proven – may have committed a crime
Status Offense – The same as incorrigible
Subpoena – An order to appear at court
Testimony – The statement of a witness under oath used for evidence or proof
Transfer – When a case moves from the Juvenile Court to the Adult Criminal Court
Trial – The same as adjudication
Trial Review – The same as arraignment
Victim – The person who suffered from your crime
Witness – A person who saw or has information about your crime*
*Adapted from our book: So You’re in Juvey! A Delinquent’s Guide to the Juvenile Justice